250 Black Cow Names [With Meanings]

Do You have Black Cow? This color is rare among Cows. Are You looking for the best unique names for her? Here is the list of 250 Black Cow Names which are really unique and new.
Abyss – The name is originated from the Greek word “Abyssos,” meaning bottomless or deep. It is a good name for a black cow that’s deep and mysterious.
Aether – The name is originated from the ancient Greek word “Aither,” referring to the upper sky or pure air. It is a good name for a black cow that’s ethereal and heavenly.
Amaranth – The name is originated from the Greek word “Amarantos,” meaning unfading or immortal. It is a good name for a black cow that’s immortal and eternal.
Anvil – The name is originated from Old English “anfilt,” meaning a heavy iron block used for forging. It is a good name for a black cow that’s strong and sturdy.
Ash – The name is originated from the Old English “æsc,” referring to the ash tree or the residue of a fire. It is a good name for a black cow that’s resilient and charred.
Asphalt – The name is originated from the Greek word “Asphaltos,” referring to a sticky, black, and highly viscous liquid. It is a good name for a black cow that’s dark and smooth.
Basalt – The name is originated from the Latin word “basaltes,” meaning a type of dark volcanic rock. It is a good name for a black cow that’s solid and dense.
Bison – The name is originated from the Latin word “bison,” meaning a large, shaggy-maned bovine animal. It is a good name for a black cow that’s massive and wild.
Blackthorn – The name is originated from the Old English “blæcþorn,” referring to a shrub with dark bark and thorns. It is a good name for a black cow that’s thorny and dark.
Brimstone – The name is originated from Old English “brynstān,” meaning burning stone or sulfur. It is a good name for a black cow that’s fiery and sulfurous.
Carbon – The name is originated from the Latin word “carbo,” meaning coal or charcoal. It is a good name for a black cow that’s elemental and basic.
Cataclysm – The name is originated from the Greek word “kataklysmos,” meaning a large-scale and violent event. It is a good name for a black cow that’s chaotic and destructive.
Caviar – The name is originated from the Persian word “khaviyar,” referring to the salted eggs of sturgeon. It is a good name for a black cow that’s luxurious and rare.
Charcoal – The name is originated from the Old English “ceorcol,” meaning a black substance obtained by burning wood. It is a good name for a black cow that’s dark and burnt.
Chronos – The name is originated from the Greek word “Khronos,” referring to the personification of time. It is a good name for a black cow that’s timeless and ancient.
Cipher – The name is originated from the Arabic word “ṣifr,” meaning zero or a secret code. It is a good name for a black cow that’s mysterious and coded.
Cinder – The name is originated from Old English “synder,” meaning a fragment of ash or coal. It is a good name for a black cow that’s burnt and remnant.
Coal – The name is originated from Old English “col,” referring to a black, combustible mineral. It is a good name for a black cow that’s black and combustible.
Coco – The name is originated from the Spanish word “coco,” meaning coconut. It is a good name for a black cow that’s sweet and nutty.
Cosmos – The name is originated from the Greek word “kosmos,” meaning order or the universe. It is a good name for a black cow that’s universal and vast.
Crimson – The name is originated from the Old Spanish “cremesin,” meaning a deep red color. It is a good name for a black cow that’s deep and vivid.
Darth – The name is originated from the character Darth Vader in Star Wars, representing darkness and power. It is a good name for a black cow that’s powerful and dark.
Diesel – The name is originated from the German inventor Rudolf Diesel, referring to the fuel type. It is a good name for a black cow that’s strong and powerful.
Diablo – The name is originated from the Spanish word “diablo,” meaning devil. It is a good name for a black cow that’s fiery and devilish.
Draconis – The name is originated from the Latin word “draconis,” meaning dragon. It is a good name for a black cow that’s mythical and powerful.
Dungeon – The name is originated from the Old French word “donjon,” referring to a dark, underground prison. It is a good name for a black cow that’s dark and mysterious.
Dusk – The name is originated from Old English “dox,” meaning the darker stage of twilight. It is a good name for a black cow that’s dim and shadowy.
Dusky – The name is originated from Middle English “duske,” meaning somewhat dark. It is a good name for a black cow that’s dim and gloomy.
Ebony – The name is originated from the Greek word “ebenos,” referring to a dense black wood. It is a good name for a black cow that’s dark and dense.
Ebon – The name is originated from the Greek word “ebenos,” referring to a dark, dense wood. It is a good name for a black cow that’s dark and solid.
Eclipse – The name is originated from the Greek word “ekleipsis,” meaning an obscuration of light. It is a good name for a black cow that’s dark and obscuring.
Elysium – The name is originated from the Greek word “Elysion,” referring to the paradise for heroes in Greek mythology. It is a good name for a black cow that’s heavenly and paradisiacal.
Enigma – The name is originated from the Greek word “ainigma,” meaning a riddle or mystery. It is a good name for a black cow that’s mysterious and puzzling.
Equinox – The name is originated from the Latin word “aequinoctium,” meaning equal night. It is a good name for a black cow that’s balanced and equal.
Espresso – The name is originated from the Italian word “espresso,” referring to a strong coffee brewed by forcing steam through ground coffee beans. It is a good name for a black cow that’s strong and intense.
Fathom – The name is originated from the Old English word “fæðm,” meaning to embrace or a measure of depth. It is a good name for a black cow that’s deep and embracing.
Feldspar – The name is originated from the German words “feld” and “spath,” meaning field and spar. It is a good name for a black cow that’s mineral and hard.
Fissure – The name is originated from the Latin word “fissura,” meaning a narrow opening or crack. It is a good name for a black cow that’s cracked and narrow.
Flint – The name is originated from the Old English word “flint,” meaning a hard type of rock. It is a good name for a black cow that’s hard and sparkling.
Frostbite – The name is originated from the Old English words “frost” and “bite,” meaning freezing and bite. It is a good name for a black cow that’s cold and biting.
Fuligin – The name is originated from the Latin word “fuligo,” meaning soot or blackened. It is a good name for a black cow that’s sooty and dark.
Galaxy – The name is originated from the Greek word “galaxias,” meaning a large system of stars. It is a good name for a black cow that’s vast and starry.
Garnet – The name is originated from the Middle English word “gernet,” meaning dark red. It is a good name for a black cow that’s gemlike and red.
Gloom – The name is originated from Middle English “gloum,” meaning partial or total darkness. It is a good name for a black cow that’s dark and somber.
Gorgon – The name is originated from Greek mythology, referring to monstrous creatures with snakes for hair. It is a good name for a black cow that’s mythical and fearsome.
Graphite – The name is originated from the Greek word “graphein,” meaning to write. It is a good name for a black cow that’s writing and smooth.
Grim – The name is originated from Old English “grim,” meaning fierce or cruel. It is a good name for a black cow that’s stern and fierce.
Grimoire – The name is originated from the Old French word “gramaire,” meaning a book of magic spells. It is a good name for a black cow that’s magical and mystical.
Guinness – The name is originated from the Irish surname “Guinness,” associated with the famous stout beer. It is a good name for a black cow that’s dark and rich.
Hades – The name is originated from Greek mythology, referring to the god of the underworld. It is a good name for a black cow that’s underworld and dark.
Harbinger – The name is originated from the Old French word “herbergier,” meaning one who provides lodging. It is a good name for a black cow that’s forerunner and omen.
Helios – The name is originated from Greek mythology, referring to the god of the sun. It is a good name for a black cow that’s solar and bright.
Hematite – The name is originated from the Greek word “haimatites,” meaning blood-like, referring to a type of iron oxide. It is a good name for a black cow that’s mineral and red.
Hex – The name is originated from the German word “hexe,” meaning witch or curse. It is a good name for a black cow that’s cursed and mystical.
Hydra – The name is originated from Greek mythology, referring to a multi-headed serpent. It is a good name for a black cow that’s serpentine and multi-headed.
Ichor – The name is originated from Greek mythology, referring to the ethereal fluid that flows in the veins of gods. It is a good name for a black cow that’s divine and ethereal.
Igneous – The name is originated from the Latin word “igneus,” meaning of fire. It is a good name for a black cow that’s fiery and rocky.
Indigo – The name is originated from the Greek word “indikon,” meaning dye from India. It is a good name for a black cow that’s deep and blue.
Ink – The name is originated from the Latin word “encaustum,” meaning burned in. It is a good name for a black cow that’s dark and fluid.
Inky – The name is originated from the word “ink,” referring to a dark fluid used for writing. It is a good name for a black cow that’s dark and fluid.
Iridium – The name is originated from the Latin word “iris,” meaning rainbow. It is a good name for a black cow that’s metallic and shiny.
Ironclad – The name is originated from the English words “iron” and “clad,” meaning covered with iron. It is a good name for a black cow that’s strong and armored.
Jackal – The name is originated from the Turkish word “çakal,” referring to a wild dog. It is a good name for a black cow that’s wild and cunning.
Jet – The name is originated from the Old French word “jaiet,” meaning a type of lignite used as a gemstone. It is a good name for a black cow that’s shiny and black.
Jericho – The name is originated from the Hebrew word “Yeriẖo,” referring to the ancient city of Jericho. It is a good name for a black cow that’s ancient and strong.
Jonquil – The name is originated from the Latin word “jonquillo,” referring to a type of flower. It is a good name for a black cow that’s floral and sweet.
Jujube – The name is originated from the Latin word “jujuba,” referring to a type of fruit. It is a good name for a black cow that’s sweet and fruity.
Kapok – The name is originated from the Malay word “kapok,” referring to a type of cotton tree. It is a good name for a black cow that’s soft and fibrous.
Kerosene – The name is originated from the Greek word “keros,” meaning wax. It is a good name for a black cow that’s flammable and oily.
Kismet – The name is originated from the Turkish word “kısmet,” meaning fate or destiny. It is a good name for a black cow that’s fated and destined.
Kohl – The name is originated from the Arabic word “kuḥl,” referring to a type of eyeliner. It is a good name for a black cow that’s dark and intense.
Kraken – The name is originated from the Norwegian word “krake,” referring to a legendary sea monster. It is a good name for a black cow that’s mythical and fearsome.
Kyanite – The name is originated from the Greek word “kyanos,” meaning dark blue. It is a good name for a black cow that’s blue and mineral.
Labyrinth – The name is originated from the Greek word “labyrinthos,” referring to a maze-like structure. It is a good name for a black cow that’s complex and maze-like.
Lava – The name is originated from the Italian word “lava,” meaning molten rock. It is a good name for a black cow that’s molten and fiery.
Leviathan – The name is originated from the Hebrew word “livyatan,” referring to a large sea monster. It is a good name for a black cow that’s massive and mythical.
Licorice – The name is originated from the Greek word “glykyrrhiza,” meaning sweet root. It is a good name for a black cow that’s sweet and dark.
Lotus – The name is originated from the Greek word “lotos,” referring to a type of flower. It is a good name for a black cow that’s floral and mystical.
Lucifer – The name is originated from the Latin word “lucifer,” meaning light-bringer. It is a good name for a black cow that’s dark and light-bringing.
Mahogany – The name is originated from the Spanish word “mahogani,” referring to a type of dark wood. It is a good name for a black cow that’s dark and wooden.
Malice – The name is originated from the Latin word “malitia,” meaning ill will or spite. It is a good name for a black cow that’s spiteful and harmful.
Mamba – The name is originated from the Zulu word “imamba,” referring to a type of venomous snake. It is a good name for a black cow that’s venomous and slithery.
Meteor – The name is originated from the Greek word “meteoros,” meaning high in the sky. It is a good name for a black cow that’s celestial and fiery.
Midnight – The name is originated from the Old English “midniht,” meaning the middle of the night. It is a good name for a black cow that’s dark and nocturnal.
Mocha – The name is originated from the Arabic “al-Mukha,” referring to a type of coffee. It is a good name for a black cow that’s dark and rich.
Monolith – The name is originated from the Greek word “monolithos,” meaning single stone. It is a good name for a black cow that’s solid and large.
Morpheus – The name is originated from Greek mythology, referring to the god of dreams. It is a good name for a black cow that’s dreamy and mythical.
Mystic – The name is originated from the Greek word “mystikos,” meaning secret or mystical. It is a good name for a black cow that’s mystical and secretive.
Nectar – The name is originated from the Greek word “nektar,” referring to the drink of the gods. It is a good name for a black cow that’s sweet and divine.
Nemesis – The name is originated from Greek mythology, referring to the goddess of retribution. It is a good name for a black cow that’s vengeful and retributive.
Neptune – The name is originated from Roman mythology, referring to the god of the sea. It is a good name for a black cow that’s oceanic and mythical.
Nevermore – The name is originated from the poem “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe, symbolizing something that will never return. It is a good name for a black cow that’s eternal and mournful.
Nightfall – The name is originated from the Old English words “night” and “fall,” meaning the onset of night. It is a good name for a black cow that’s nocturnal and dark.
Nightingale – The name is originated from the Old English word “nihtegale,” referring to a small songbird. It is a good name for a black cow that’s melodious and nocturnal.
Nightshade – The name is originated from the Old English “nihtscada,” referring to a type of dark, poisonous plant. It is a good name for a black cow that’s dark and poisonous.
Ninja – The name is originated from the Japanese word “ninja,” referring to a covert agent skilled in espionage and combat. It is a good name for a black cow that’s stealthy and skilled.
Noche – The name is originated from the Spanish word “noche,” meaning night. It is a good name for a black cow that’s nocturnal and dark.
Nocturne – The name is originated from the Latin word “nocturnus,” meaning of the night. It is a good name for a black cow that’s nocturnal and melodious.
Nyx – The name is originated from Greek mythology, referring to the goddess of the night. It is a good name for a black cow that’s nocturnal and mythical.
Obelisk – The name is originated from the Greek word “obeliskos,” meaning a tall, four-sided monument. It is a good name for a black cow that’s tall and monumental.
Oblivion – The name is originated from the Latin word “oblivio,” meaning forgetfulness or the state of being forgotten. It is a good name for a black cow that’s forgotten and unknown.
Obsidian – The name is originated from the Latin word “obsidianus,” referring to a type of volcanic glass. It is a good name for a black cow that’s dark and glassy.
Omen – The name is originated from the Latin word “omen,” meaning a sign or portent. It is a good name for a black cow that’s foreboding and mysterious.
Onyx – The name is originated from the Greek word “onyx,” meaning claw or fingernail, referring to a type of dark gemstone. It is a good name for a black cow that’s dark and gem-like.
Orbit – The name is originated from the Latin word “orbita,” meaning the path of a celestial body. It is a good name for a black cow that’s celestial and path.
Orion – The name is originated from Greek mythology, referring to a giant huntsman placed among the stars. It is a good name for a black cow that’s stellar and mythical.
Patchouli – The name is originated from the Tamil word “paccilai,” meaning green leaf, referring to a type of aromatic plant. It is a good name for a black cow that’s fragrant and leafy.
Panther – The name is originated from the Greek word “panthēr,” referring to a large wild cat. It is a good name for a black cow that’s wild and fierce.
Pepper – The name is originated from the Sanskrit word “pippali,” referring to a type of spice. It is a good name for a black cow that’s spicy and hot.
Phantom – The name is originated from the Greek word “phantasma,” meaning an apparition or ghost. It is a good name for a black cow that’s ghostly and mysterious.
Pitch – The name is originated from the Old English word “pic,” referring to a sticky, black substance. It is a good name for a black cow that’s sticky and dark.
Pluto – The name is originated from Roman mythology, referring to the god of the underworld. It is a good name for a black cow that’s underworld and dark.
Poe – The name is originated from the surname of Edgar Allan Poe, an American writer known for his dark and mysterious tales. It is a good name for a black cow that’s literary and dark.
Puma – The name is originated from the Quechua word “puma,” referring to a large wild cat. It is a good name for a black cow that’s wild and fierce.
Pyrite – The name is originated from the Greek word “pyrites,” meaning of fire, referring to a type of mineral. It is a good name for a black cow that’s fiery and mineral.
Quartz – The name is originated from the German word “quarz,” referring to a type of mineral. It is a good name for a black cow that’s crystalline and hard.
Quicksand – The name is originated from the Old English words “cwic” and “sand,” meaning living sand. It is a good name for a black cow that’s tricky and sandy.
Quicksilver – The name is originated from the Old English words “cwic” and “seolfor,” referring to mercury. It is a good name for a black cow that’s liquid and metallic.
Quill – The name is originated from the Middle English word “quil,” referring to a writing instrument made from a bird feather. It is a good name for a black cow that’s feathery and writing.
Raisin – The name is originated from the Old French word “raisin,” meaning grape. It is a good name for a black cow that’s sweet and dried.
Raven – The name is originated from the Old English word “hræfn,” referring to a large black bird. It is a good name for a black cow that’s dark and mysterious.
Reaper – The name is originated from the Old English word “reapere,” meaning one who harvests. It is a good name for a black cow that’s harvesting and grim.
Rogue – The name is originated from the Middle French word “rogue,” meaning a dishonest or unprincipled person. It is a good name for a black cow that’s dishonest and wild.
Rook – The name is originated from the Old English word “hroc,” referring to a type of bird similar to a crow. It is a good name for a black cow that’s dark and cunning.
Sable – The name is originated from the Old French word “sable,” referring to a type of marten with dark fur. It is a good name for a black cow that’s dark and luxurious.
Sable – The name is originated from the Old French word “sable,” referring to a type of marten with dark fur. It is a good name for a black cow that’s dark and luxurious.
Saturn – The name is originated from Roman mythology, referring to the god of agriculture and time. It is a good name for a black cow that’s celestial and timely.
Scythe – The name is originated from the Old English word “siðe,” referring to a farming tool with a long curved blade. It is a good name for a black cow that’s sharp and cutting.
Seal – The name is originated from the Old English word “seolh,” referring to a type of marine mammal. It is a good name for a black cow that’s marine and smooth.
Shade – The name is originated from the Old English word “sceadu,” meaning shadow or darkness. It is a good name for a black cow that’s dark and shadowy.
Shadow – The name is originated from the Old English word “sceadu,” meaning a dark area or shape. It is a good name for a black cow that’s dark and shadowy.
Silhouette – The name is originated from the French word “silhouette,” referring to an outline of a solid shape. It is a good name for a black cow that’s outlined and dark.
Sirius – The name is originated from the Greek word “seirios,” meaning scorching, referring to the brightest star in the night sky. It is a good name for a black cow that’s bright and celestial.
Slate – The name is originated from the Old French word “esclate,” meaning a type of dark, fine-grained rock. It is a good name for a black cow that’s rocky and dark.
Smoke – The name is originated from the Old English word “smoca,” meaning the visible vapor and gases given off by a burning substance. It is a good name for a black cow that’s vaporous and dark.
Smudge – The name is originated from the Old English word “smocian,” meaning to soil or blacken with smoke. It is a good name for a black cow that’s sooty and dark.
Soot – The name is originated from the Old English word “sot,” referring to a black powdery or flaky substance. It is a good name for a black cow that’s powdery and dark.
Specter – The name is originated from the Latin word “spectrum,” meaning an apparition or ghost. It is a good name for a black cow that’s ghostly and mysterious.
Starlight – The name is originated from the Old English words “steorra” and “leoht,” meaning the light from stars. It is a good name for a black cow that’s bright and celestial.
Styx – The name is originated from Greek mythology, referring to the river that forms the boundary between Earth and the Underworld. It is a good name for a black cow that’s dark and mythical.
Talon – The name is originated from the Old French word “talon,” meaning the claw of a bird of prey. It is a good name for a black cow that’s sharp and predatory.
Tar – The name is originated from the Old English word “teoru,” referring to a dark, thick, flammable liquid. It is a good name for a black cow that’s sticky and dark.
Tarmac – The name is originated from the word “tarmacadam,” referring to a type of road surface made of crushed stone and tar. It is a good name for a black cow that’s rough and dark.
Thunder – The name is originated from the Old English word “thunor,” referring to the sound caused by lightning. It is a good name for a black cow that’s loud and powerful.
Titan – The name is originated from Greek mythology, referring to the primordial giants who preceded the Olympian gods. It is a good name for a black cow that’s massive and mythical.
Topaz – The name is originated from the Greek word “topazos,” referring to a type of gemstone. It is a good name for a black cow that’s gem-like and precious.
Tornado – The name is originated from the Spanish word “tornar,” meaning to turn, referring to a violent rotating column of air. It is a good name for a black cow that’s whirling and destructive.
Truffle – The name is originated from the Latin word “tuber,” referring to a type of edible subterranean fungus. It is a good name for a black cow that’s earthy and delicious.
Twilight – The name is originated from the Old English words “twi” and “leoht,” meaning the light from the sky between full night and sunrise or sunset. It is a good name for a black cow that’s dim and beautiful.
Umbra – The name is originated from the Latin word “umbra,” meaning shadow. It is a good name for a black cow that’s shadowy and dark.
Vader – The name is originated from the Dutch word “vader,” meaning father, associated with the character Darth Vader from Star Wars. It is a good name for a black cow that’s powerful and dark.
Vanta – The name is originated from “Vantablack,” a type of super-black coating. It is a good name for a black cow that’s ultra-black and modern.
Velvet – The name is originated from the Old French word “velu,” meaning soft fabric. It is a good name for a black cow that’s soft and luxurious.
Vesper – The name is originated from the Latin word “vesper,” meaning evening star. It is a good name for a black cow that’s evening and starry.
Violet – The name is originated from the Latin word “viola,” referring to a type of flower. It is a good name for a black cow that’s purple and floral.
Void – The name is originated from the Old French word “voide,” meaning empty or vacant. It is a good name for a black cow that’s empty and dark.
Vortex – The name is originated from the Latin word “vortex,” meaning a whirling mass of fluid or air. It is a good name for a black cow that’s whirling and powerful.
Wraith – The name is originated from the Scottish word “wraithe,” meaning ghost or apparition. It is a good name for a black cow that’s ghostly and mysterious.
Zephyr – The name is originated from Greek mythology, referring to the god of the west wind. It is a good name for a black cow that’s windy and light.
Zircon – The name is originated from the Arabic word “zarqūn,” meaning vermilion, referring to a type of gemstone. It is a good name for a black cow that’s gem-like and bright.
Zodiac – The name is originated from the Greek word “zōdiakos,” referring to the twelve signs of the zodiac. It is a good name for a black cow that’s celestial and astrological.
Zulu – The name is originated from the Zulu word “Zulu,” meaning heaven or sky, referring to the Zulu people of South Africa. It is a good name for a black cow that’s heavenly and cultural.
Wrapping Up
If You are aware of the behavior, nature of Your black Cow then it is much easier to pick the name from the list given above. All the names are having their own meanings that’s why knowing the behavior of Your Cow is important.
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